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What's New!

Holy Essence Podcast

May 6, 2024

ACTION TIME! Just be completely clear, your relationship with GOD is NUMBER 1.

You do not want to make anything an idol in your mind, heart, and spirit and that can include your therapist, confirmation, advice from people/friends/family. God is not against doctors but he is against making them their your GOD. Everything needs to be brought to the Holy Spirit and be evaluated. Also, the MAIN GOAL of my podcast is to share the gospel with the world and to be a good student because God is my ultimate Rabbi (Teacher) and that includes telling my testimony. God saved me from what I thought was the unimaginable before our relationship and I KNOW HE WILL DO IT FOR YOU if you show true repentance (turning away from those sins and not falling into the same sins over and over again), humbly renouncing any covenants and replacing with the living Word of God.

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